Wax Melts for Wax Melt Warmer – 2 PACKS (2.5 oz, Vanilla Caramel Spice)

BE MEMORABLE If you want to be remembered, pick a distinctive fragrance that many people haven’t encountered. Just because your own nose adapts to the scent after 15 minutes doesn’t mean customers you greet or friends you meet can’t still smell it. A smell reminder can really conjure a person, more than just looking at a photo. You actually get the feeling of the person from the smell.

Product Features

  • FRAGRANCE IS POWERFUL. Sense of Smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than the sense of taste.The use of various fragrances to influence the human psyche and emotions has a long and rich tradition. Scents can have positive effects on mood, stress reduction, sleep enhancement, self-confidence, and physical and cognitive performance. By becoming more aware of the way specific scents affect you personally, you may be able to enhance your health and well-being.
  • SCENT MEMORY. Some researchers speculate that this phenomenon is caused by scent “imprinting.” A scent has no personal significance until it becomes connected to something that has meaning. Certain smells will remind us of people, places, things, or happenings. Scents seem to affect our memory and maybe even our learning process.
  • MIND BODY CONNECTION. Scents can have positive effects on mood, stress reduction, sleep enhancement, self-confidence, and physical and cognitive performance. By becoming more aware of the way specific scents affect you personally, you may be able to enhance your health and well being.The sense of smell can be deployed to improve pain tolerance. Any pleasant smell can act as a distraction and lift mood, but recent studies suggest that sweet smells may work best.
  • RELAX AND UNWIND You can also use your sense of smell to deliver instant relaxation. Pick a distinctive odor, then pair that aroma with a calming meditation session. After a few sessions, the odor itself will elicit a relaxed state, even when you don’t have time to meditate.
  • CULTIVATE A SIGNATURE SCENT The smell savvy that helps you perform better on a test or cope more effectively with pain also helps you shape the impression you make on others. Choose a personal fragrance carefully. A mossy or woody fragrance exudes earthiness, for example, while a musky scent connotes sexiness.

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